Face-to-Face Classes Canceled on February 12Open or Close Alert Message
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Face-to-Face Classes Canceled on February 12
Cancellation is due to impending winter storm
  • WLC will cancel face-to-face classes on Wednesday, February 12. Students, please check your course pages in Canvas on Wednesday morning for further instructions from your professors. 
  • The Schwan Library will be open from 7:30 a.m. until noon. 
  • Chapel (10:00 a.m.) and Vespers (9:25 p.m.) will be held in-person.
  • Currently, Food Service hours will remain the same for weekday service.
  • Afternoon Tea has been rescheduled to Wednesday, February 19.
  • Staff members should check with their immediate supervisor or vice president to determine if they need to report to campus to provide support for critical operations.

Coaching Minor

Our coaching minor equips you to serve and teach in the highly participatory area of athletics.

Coaches, because of the nature of their position, are in a favorable setting to teach concepts that lead to effective living. Healthy competition, teamwork, goal setting, dealing with victory and defeat, and “walking one’s talk” are only a few of the life skills coaches can help to develop in the young athlete. 

WLC works with future coaches by teaching skills and techniques for proper leadership, as well as equipping them to lead young athletes with Christian principles found in God’s Word. Internships are encouraged.