Face-to-Face Classes Canceled on February 12Open or Close Alert Message
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Face-to-Face Classes Canceled on February 12
Cancellation is due to impending winter storm
  • WLC will cancel face-to-face classes on Wednesday, February 12. Students, please check your course pages in Canvas on Wednesday morning for further instructions from your professors. 
  • The Schwan Library will be open from 7:30 a.m. until noon. 
  • Chapel (10:00 a.m.) and Vespers (9:25 p.m.) will be held in-person.
  • Currently, Food Service hours will remain the same for weekday service.
  • Afternoon Tea has been rescheduled to Wednesday, February 19.
  • Staff members should check with their immediate supervisor or vice president to determine if they need to report to campus to provide support for critical operations.
Student writing at a desk

Education Majors

Teaching degree programs to meet your aspirations

Whether you would like to teach in early childhood, elementary, middle school, or high school, you’ll be able to find the teacher education program and Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI) license to meet your career aspirations at Wisconsin Lutheran College.

Explore specific license areas below:

In a country desperate for passionate and highly trained teachers, our education major prepares you to live your purpose as an agent of change in your classroom, school, and district.

We offer a variety of majors within our School of Education. You may or may not know exactly where you want to focus. That’s okay. You’ll experience various aspects of teaching earlier than typical in our program. Those experiences will help you choose a path. One of our education professors will also serve as your personal advisor. Your advisor can help you figure out the best fit for your personality and strengths.

Our professors place a strong emphasis on preparing you to meet the professional expectations of a fast-paced, diverse, and contemporary education setting. Preparing to be an educator is an investment of your time, talents, and efforts, and the rewards are immeasurable in the enlightened eyes and smiles of your successful learners.

A strong reputation for preparing great teachers

Area schools recognize Wisconsin Lutheran College students as quality candidates for teaching positions. We attract impressive students who sincerely want to make a difference in the lives of their students and are willing to work hard to do it. We enable you to activate your greatest potential, and theirs.

Our education graduates enjoy a 100% placement rate and are employed by public, private, and charter schools.

Early access to immersive classroom teaching

You'll begin work in the field your second semester, exposing you to the challenges and joys of teaching students. This classroom exposure allows you to discover your fit - exploring the types of schools, grade levels, and subjects that inspire you and your students.

You'll gain more than 150 hours of meaningful clinical experience outside the college classroom through partnerships with area schools. Pre-student teaching clinicals – connected to all methods courses – are conducted in a variety of early childhood, elementary, middle, and secondary school settings.

Gain a competitive edge in your final year by taking advantage of our residency program. During the semester prior to your student teaching assignment, you may spend 15 hours per week helping a teacher in the same school district – and often in the same building – where you will be student teaching within a few short months.


Education Advising Resources

Connect with Education Faculty and Staff

Alan Bitter
Alan Bitter Education Assistant Professor and Director of Licensing 414.443.8565 alan.bitter@market-demon.com
David Brightsman
David Brightsman Education Dean, College of Professional Studies 414.443.8739 david.brightsman@market-demon.com
Chris Joch
Chris Joch Education, Office of Graduate Studies Assistant Professor and M.A. Program Director 414.443.8566 chris.joch@market-demon.com
Mark Murphy
Mark Murphy Education Professor and Director of the School of Education 414.443.8570 mark.murphy@market-demon.com
Holly Wempner
Holly Wempner Education Administrative Assistant 414.443.8818 holly.wempner@market-demon.com
Jon Ziesemer
Jon Ziesemer Education Coordinator of Clinical Experiences 414.443.8854 jon.ziesemer@market-demon.com