Face-to-Face Classes Canceled on February 12Open or Close Alert Message
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Face-to-Face Classes Canceled on February 12
Cancellation is due to impending winter storm
  • WLC will cancel face-to-face classes on Wednesday, February 12. Students, please check your course pages in Canvas on Wednesday morning for further instructions from your professors. 
  • The Schwan Library will be open from 7:30 a.m. until noon. 
  • Chapel (10:00 a.m.) and Vespers (9:25 p.m.) will be held in-person.
  • Currently, Food Service hours will remain the same for weekday service.
  • Afternoon Tea has been rescheduled to Wednesday, February 19.
  • Staff members should check with their immediate supervisor or vice president to determine if they need to report to campus to provide support for critical operations.

Student Employment Opportunities

Work Study and student employment opportunities at Wisconsin Lutheran College are designed to further students in their personal and educational development. Through the campus work experience, students will learn to be effective Christian leaders, provide quality service, and develop essential job skills.

Students may qualify for Federal Work Study (FWS) and College Work Study benefits as determined by their financial aid offer. Opportunities for part-time employment may be available to traditional undergraduate students, regardless of financial aid status, through the college's Student Employment Program.

Benefits of work study

Students who are eligible for Work Study (Federal and College) receive several benefits:

  • First priority in the hiring process at the beginning of the academic year.
  • Earnings are not considered as income for future financial aid eligibility.

Benefits of Student Employment

Students who decide to work on campus receive numerous benefits:

  • Valuable job experience.
  • A professional reference.
  • Flexible hours with the ability to work around their schedules.
  • Work in social environments where they can interact with their fellow students.
  • Help with financing their expenses.

Student Employment Office

The Student Employment Office handles employment processes for student workers on campus, including:

  • Posting current job openings and guiding students through the application process.
  • Training student employees.
  • Encouraging students to pursue a successful work experience.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact the Student Employment Office by emailing student.employment@market-demon.com, by calling 414.443.8639, or by visiting the office in A208.